
Prayer & Fasting

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Prayer Triplets

Prayer Triplets

Prayer Decree: Stand In The Gates

Heavenly Father I come gladly and willingly to You the Lord and King of the nations, to stand at this symbolic gate into the City of London, on behalf of every man, woman and child. As a believer and child of God, I take up my position, standing in Your authority, as a gatekeeper in the spirit realm at this entry and exit point into the city. I place my feet firmly on the ground of my inheritance, the inheritance You have given to Your people in this City and in this Nation.

In obedience to Your command and as an act of prophetic declaration, I speak this decree in the precious and all powerful name of Your Son Jesus. On the cross, He defeated, disarmed and stripped bare our enemy the devil, the prince of this world, through the shedding of His innocent blood and the giving of His sinless life, which He willingly laid down for all. I decree today: “Let Your Kingdom come. Let Your will be done, here on the earth in London, as it is in heaven."

Every strategy, tactic and plan of the enemy concerning London, I now prevent, overrule, undo and overthrow.

I boldly declare and release the enduring, life giving Word of God, decreeing His rule, His reign, His dominion and His purpose will be established in the lives of the people of London and all who enter her. I decree truth, humility and righteousness be established once again in every street, in every home, in every business, in every heart. Let justice and great joy fill this City as You establish and build Your Kingdom in the heart of our nation.

Let hope reign, let peace rule, let life overcome death and freedom break out. I decree every chain of oppression, depression, despair, discouragement and mental turmoil, be shattered and broken. In their place I release Your life-giving truth and unconditional love that heals, delivers and raises up the broken, sets the isolated and lonely in families and gives new hope to any downtrodden people in London.

Thank you Lord that You have heard the prayers, decrees and intercession of Your people in this City over many generations, declaring “Spring up O Well!” Let the heavens rain down righteousness and justice, for You alone are the God of truth! Let the earth open wide, releasing salvation, freedom and deliverance, let them spring up like a fountain all across this City because You are a loving, faithful Father to all who put their trust in You.

I decree a release of Your anointing - the fire of Your holy, reforming, transforming presence. Consecrate this gateway and seal Your Word in this place with this anointing oil. Release the fire of Your presence right through the heart of London and through the heart of our nation. Let the power of Your resurrected, disarming, unquenchable love for every person in London be experienced, seen and demonstrated through your people, bringing much glory, honour and praise to You our King and Lord. In the name of Jesus, the name above every other name, I decree, let it be according to Your Word - AMEN.

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